Wednesday, November 06, 2013

I have no Free Time

What did I do before I had a kid? Have fun?

 I've Painted my house (inside and out), been doing repairs around the house, working on drawing Rigby the Barbarian, all while taking care of my darling baby- who just turned one by the way.

 I've also been working on a few projects of my own, but who knows when I'll finally get those done. Anyway, just wanted to poke my head up and say whats been going on.

 Now here is Rigby by chased by dinosaurs! 

Check out more here.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Being a Dad

Being a dad is pretty great.

 Don't get me wrong, it can be incredibly draining and tiring at seemingly the worst times. But it can also be incredibly rewarding at the same time. Brady is almost 3 months old and she has been developing a pattern in her schedule with helps immensely. Best of all, she is more aware and starting to recognize people. She smiles and plays much more when she is awake- and its adorable.

She is also vocalizing a lot more. As I was putting her to bed last night she would spit out her pacifier and seemingly try to talk to me in a bunch of unintelligible baby speak. Its a wonderful experience watching her grow, even though it can be very hard to notice it from time to time.

Things are changing very fast- and for the better. The past two nights she has slept through the night which is spectacular, she smiles huge when she sees her relatives, and she is very happy. People ask if she has a personality, and to that I say that she is slowly but surely developing one.

Brady has been with us only a very short time, but it seems much longer- but in a good way. My life before her seems so far away, now. Though I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Being her dad is great.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Baby Stuff

So Amanda and I have been crafty as of late. Amanda wanted to put a tree in the babys room, so I made this painting:
Not to be outdone, Amanda made these for the nursery:
Just a few more weeks and things are gonna get crazy...

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Vote for Me!

I put a t-shirt design up at threadless. I don't expect it to do much- but hey.

Robo Cop - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More